The hospitality industry is facing a substantial existential crisis at the moment, with staffing and the lack of them. Our solution to that is our ‘Hatchlings’ initiative.
We have activity gone out of our way to recruit new members of staff that are either school leavers/students before they head off to university or in year 10 at school. We take our ‘Hatchlings’ under our wings and develop their innate natural ability. Building their confidence, develop their work ethic and allow them to experience a busy working environment. We are giving them essential key and life skills to take with them as they navigate further education or the workplace. Training to become a Barista, if you can make coffee, you can work anywhere in the world.
They are hard-working, conscientious young adults or are starting their first-ever job. Young people are just looking for someone to give them a chance and that is where we have stepped up and in to help.
If you have a ‘Hatchling’ or you are a ‘Hatchling and would like to join our ‘Hatchling’ initiative, give us a call 01305 786839 or email us at